Τρελή αιτιότης
Even though Glafkos Koumides is more well known for his artistic production, his poetry, literary and critical texts occupy a significant place in his ouevre. This publication gathers a selection from his literary texts and poetry and covers the period between 1980 and 2002. In the first section of the book the literary texts are accompanied by a selection of his art works. Τhe images are at sometimes reproductions of the art, at others present only a fragment of the work while still at others the images have been manipulated to create a “new work” for the publication. The second section of the book contains is a selection of his poetry with minimal use of art works. The general design tried to mildly subvert the literary design genre by using dimensions and proportions that are common to an art catalogue and at the same time make use of a typography that refers more closely to the literary genre as opposed to an art catalogue.